Saturday, 28 February 2015

E-commerce in Africa

Last november 2014 was published in the magazine Ventures Africa anarticle about electronic commerce which I found pretty interesting to reproduce here below because it is a business activity in evolution that must be remarked.

Africa offers enormous potential for e-commerce growth given that online shopping
 is in its infancy in the region, notes Sumesh Rahavendra, head of marketing for 
DHL Express Sub Saharan Africa (SSA).
“Although global e-retailer Amazon celebrated its 20th anniversary in July,
 eCommerce companies in Africa are only now beginning to mark and / or 
 accelerate their presence in the marketplace. An example is Nigeria online
 retailer, Jumia, which despite being founded only two years ago, is quickly 
gaining market share within the country which reiterates the region’s potential,” said Rahavendra.
A recent report by McKinsey & Company also revealed that, eCommerce could 
account for 10 percent of retail sales in the African continent’s largest economies
 by 2025.
To further support his point that e-commerce in Africa was still in its infancy,
 Rahavendra cited a survey conducted in Nigeria, the continent’s largest economy,
which revealed that close to a quarter of respondents (23.55 percent) cited 
the lack of security as the largest obstacle for buying products online. 38.81 percent 
of respondents also picked cash, compared to 29.52 percent who chose credit cards,
as the payment mechanism they would prefer to use when purchasing goods and 
services online. “This highlights that consumers on the continent are still familiarizing themselves with the online payment methods,” he adds.
The DHL Express head of marketing however said advancement of technology will
foster e-commerce growth in Africa.
With mobile penetration in Africa standing at 80 percent, there have been more consumers than ever before, who are interested in e-commerce via their mobile phones. The 2014 Mobile Media Consumption report by InMobi, which includes data from 14,000 users across 14 countries, including Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa, predicted that 83 percent of consumers plan to conduct mobile commerce in the next 12 months, up 15 percent from the current figure.
In Kenya, which has been Africa’s leader in internet usage growth, the Communication Commission of Kenya reports that internet users grew from 200,000 in 2000 to over 19.6 million at the end of last year, a staggering 9,700 percent growth, according to a UN report. Figures like this are indicative of what the future holds for e-commerce in Africa.
“As technology continues to evolve in the respective African countries, as will the levels of online shopping,” Rahavendra enthused.
“It is of our opinion that many African businesses will start to skip the traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ formal retail environment, and instead move straight into online shopping space due to the rise in mobile and internet services within Africa,” he concludes.

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